Krolikhaos: deck the halls 4% (deadline is Jaunary 30th)
Rudolph cartoon 0% (might cancel this tbh)
Me and simoes collab 3%
Krolikhaos: deck the halls 4% (deadline is Jaunary 30th)
Rudolph cartoon 0% (might cancel this tbh)
Me and simoes collab 3%
Anyways uhh I did good on the science test idk about reading cuz they didn’t show my score and for social studies yeah I didn’t really do so good….. I also didn’t get to see my math score but I bet I did bad, I genuinely fucking hate myself I feel like I’m a Retarted piece of shit…..
Today has been pretty fine ig, i have a test tomorrow and a exam O-o, I also have an avid project I’m gonna turn in tomorrow e…
Probably just gonna post shit about how I’m feeling and ctrl c ctrl v shit from my diary I have e.
Krolikhaos: deck the halls 4% (deadline is Jaunary 30th) Rudolph cartoon 0% (might cancel this tbh) Me and simoes collab 3%